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Stop a trigger from running, if it's already running.

I have a trigger that will update records that will sometimes cause the trigger to be fired a second time. I recall that there is a really easy way to determine if the current running trigger is already running but I can't recall the details. Can anyone help out? Thanks, Jon

I found this searching and it works for me.


Create a class names TriggerRunOnce:


public with sharing class TriggerRunOnce {

	private static boolean run = true;

 	public static boolean runOnce(){

			return true;
 		} else{return run;}
 	private static testmethod void testTriggerRunOnce(){
 		System.assert(TriggerRunOnce.runOnce(), 'Recursion check failed. Please review OSRUtil recursion logic');

 		System.assert(!TriggerRunOnce.runOnce(), 'Recursion check failed. Please review OSRUtil recursion logic');


 Then in your trigger: 


trigger YOUR_TRIGGER on SObject (after delete, after insert, after undelete, 
after update, before delete, before insert, before update) {

   if(TriggerRunOnce.runOnce()) {






I have now found that if you create a test method that calls this trigger several times.  The test method fails....