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Test Error Method

I have 90% test class coverage for a trigger with the exception of this one line in my code:


 27    else if ((tmpDNCList.size()<1) && (myLead.Sub_Status_ALL__c == 'DNC Requested'))
 28   {
 29[0].Status.addError('Please add DNC record to Salesforce prior to saving.');



When I create a record in the test class that matches this critieria - it causes a DML exception (as it should) and halts all of my other tests if I run them all at once and it drops my code coverage to almost 50%.   The class itself gets 100% coverage though.  


Is there something sepcial about wiritng a test class when using the error method?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

in your test code,


put the dml in a try catch block catching dml exceptions....




     insert xxx;

}catch (dmlException e){

    system.assertEquals(True,e.getDMLMessage(0).contains('Please add DNC record to Salesforce prior to saving.'));


All Answers


in your test code,


put the dml in a try catch block catching dml exceptions....




     insert xxx;

}catch (dmlException e){

    system.assertEquals(True,e.getDMLMessage(0).contains('Please add DNC record to Salesforce prior to saving.'));


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks - I didn't even know what to search in the dev guides.    Exactly what I needed.