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Need help to create events on Calendar

How to create events on calendar for custom objects


How to add default invitees whenver an event is created




natty dreadnatty dread



I was recently interested in doing something similar. Take a look at the code below.


I'm still working on a class to test this so when I have 100% coverage I will update.


trigger test_custom_calendar on Testable__c (after insert, after update) {
	//new list of events
	list<Event> ev = new list<Event>();
	for(Testable__c t :{
		//if new record, populate these fields
			Event e = new Event();
			e.StartDateTime = t.Start_Time__c;
			e.EndDateTime = t.End_Time__c;
			e.Agent__c = t.Agents__c;
			e.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
			e.WhatId = t.Id;
			e.default_invitee_one__c = 'Peter Tosh';
			e.default_invitee_two__c = 'Gregory Isaacs';
			//add new rows
		//if parent is updated, delete original event and create new
			Event dead_events = [SELECT WhatId, StartDateTime, EndDateTime FROM Event WHERE WhatId IN : trigger.old];
			delete dead_events;
			Event e = new Event();
			e.StartDateTime = t.Start_Time__c;
			e.EndDateTime = t.End_Time__c;
			e.Agent__c = t.Agents__c;
			e.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
			e.WhatId = t.Id;
			e.default_invitee_one__c = 'Peter Tosh';
			e.default_invitee_two__c = 'Gregory Isaacs';
			//add new rows
	//insert new list
	insert ev;




I got it.I deployed into production.I got llike 95% code coverage sending events on calendar to multiple people one  time


Natty or Steve- I'm trying to do something similar and I think I can adapt your trigger code. Could you share your test class with us? Thanks- HGriff