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Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'startDate' at line 6 column 100



I am trying to create a trigger that creates mutilple junction object records. I keep getting the following error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'startDate' at line 6 column 100. Here is my code: 

trigger testCreateHoliday on Leave_Request__c (after update) {
    Leave_Request__c insertLR = new Leave_Request__c();
    Date startDate = insertLR.Request_Start_Date__c;
    Date endDate = insertLR.Request_End_Date__c;
    List<Holiday__c> allHoliday=[SELECT ID FROM Holiday__c Where Holiday__c.Holiday_Start_Date__c > startDate];
    insertLR =[0];
    List<LR_and_Holiday__c> lrholidaylist = new List<LR_and_Holiday__c>();
    Integer x = 0;
    for (integer i = 0; i<=1; i++){
        LR_and_Holiday__c lrholiday = new LR_and_Holiday__c();
        lrholiday.Leave_Request__c = insertLR.ID;
        lrholiday.Holiday__c = allholiday[x].ID;

 Please help. Thank you.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I think the problem is with your SOQL:


 List<Holiday__c> allHoliday=[SELECT ID FROM Holiday__c Where Holiday__c.Holiday_Start_Date__c > startDate];

 It should be:


 List<Holiday__c> allHoliday=[SELECT ID FROM Holiday__c Where Holiday__c.Holiday_Start_Date__c > :startDate];


Difference in :startDate

All Answers


I think the problem is with your SOQL:


 List<Holiday__c> allHoliday=[SELECT ID FROM Holiday__c Where Holiday__c.Holiday_Start_Date__c > startDate];

 It should be:


 List<Holiday__c> allHoliday=[SELECT ID FROM Holiday__c Where Holiday__c.Holiday_Start_Date__c > :startDate];


Difference in :startDate

This was selected as the best answer

Thank you.