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Social Profile information

Hey there,


I am trying to access the social profile information in I read the documentation and it says that Salesforce does not store that information anywhere. Then where does it store the information once you link your Facebook contact to Salesforce Contact? 


Is the information stored but not accessible by API calls?




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Jia HuJia Hu
Yes, you have to write your own code.

All Answers

Jia HuJia Hu
Salesforce doesn't import or store social information. Each time you select a contact's social profile or YouTube video, Salesforce retrieves the information directly from the corresponding social network and simply displays it. The information that you see is read-only and can't be modified.

Security and Privacy When Using Social Accounts and Contacts

Yes. That i am aware of. So if i want more information than displayed, i have to write my custom code to call the api methods from different social media ? 

Jia HuJia Hu
Yes, you have to write your own code.
This was selected as the best answer

I understand that we cannot access the social data (as it's retrieved in realtime) ... but which data field should I use to access the twitter user or facebook link that is associated with an account or contact? I can write code to interact with it, but how would i determine what that social identifier is?


For instance, our user has gone through the accounts and identified the twitter IDs associated with them. How can i get the twitter IDs in code so i can write a routine to interact with them?