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About LKE operator



Actualy i need the records which are starts with letter 'a'  in Account object  .

i tried with the below query ,but it shows all the records..once i clock the button..


varacc=[select name from Account WHERE name LIKE 'a%'];



Thanks & Regards


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Your search string is hardcoded to accounts starting with s:


varacc=[select name from Account WHERE name LIKE's%'];


You should change this to something like:


String searchStr=value1+'%';
varacc=[select name from Account WHERE name LIKE :searchStr];


Note that I've built the wildcarded search string outside of the query - I've found that I have to do that to dynamically bind in the string.

All Answers


This works correctly in my dev org - I have one account beginning with 'A' and only that account is retrieved.


What button are you clicking?




I'll send the whole program Plz check it..n rly me


VF Page:-


<apex:page controller="DisplayNames">
Enter Letter:<apex:inputText value="{!value1}"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="Bottom">
<apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable Value="{!SecRecords}" var="Show">
<apex:column value="{!Show.Name}"/>




public with sharing class DisplayNames
public String value1 { get; set; }
List<Account> varacc;
public void search()
varacc=[select name from Account WHERE name LIKE's%'];

public List<Account> getSecRecords()
return varacc;



Thanks & Regards



Your search string is hardcoded to accounts starting with s:


varacc=[select name from Account WHERE name LIKE's%'];


You should change this to something like:


String searchStr=value1+'%';
varacc=[select name from Account WHERE name LIKE :searchStr];


Note that I've built the wildcarded search string outside of the query - I've found that I have to do that to dynamically bind in the string.

This was selected as the best answer
Hi..Thanks a lot... Mr.Bob.Now its realy working nice..Thanks & Regards  surekha

