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Arek Stegienko DevArek Stegienko Dev 

Event Trigger to Convert Lead

I'm writing an event trigger that will convert a lead when an event of a specific record type is created.  Here's what I've got so far, however, I'm getting stuck on checking for the right record type in the trigger and/or creating the right record type event in the test class:


trigger ConvertLead on Event (after insert)
  // Loop through all the events
  for (Event event :
    // Check if this is a 1st tour event
    if (event.RecordType ==
        [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = '1st Tour' AND SObjectType = 'Event' LIMIT 1])
      // Get the lead that's associated with this event
      Lead lead = [SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE Id =: event.WhoId];

      // Create a new LeadConvert object
      Database.LeadConvert convert = new database.LeadConvert();
      // Get and set the converted lead status
      LeadStatus convertStatus = [SELECT MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted = true LIMIT 1];
      // Set the owner

      // Convert the lead
      Database.LeadConvertResult result = Database.convertLead(convert);


  static testMethod void ConvertLeadTestMethod()
    // Create the lead, insert it, and add the event
    Lead lead = new Lead(FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Lead');
    insert lead;
    Event event = new Event(WhoId = lead.Id,
                  RecordType = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = '1st Tour' AND SObjectType = 'Event' LIMIT 1],
                  DurationInMinutes = 60, ActivityDateTime =;
    insert event;

 I'm fairly new to apex so any and all help is very much appreciated.



Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher



You're on the right track - but there are a few "best practice" things I want to get in front of you first:


  • Don't put SOQL inside of loops (for loops) - do that SOQL statement before you enter the loop, save it as a variable, and reference that variable within the loop.
  • Same with the Lead Id.  If you run a SOQL query into a Map outside of the loop and reference that map within - that will help avoid the SOQL limits as well.

For your question at hand - what error messages or other fail conditions are you seeing in the test log?

