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Test Coverage for Lead Conversion Trigger

Hey everyone,


Having a bit of trouble getting coverage for a trigger i wrote on Lead Conversion. I think a big problem i'm facing is that i don't completely understand test coverage conceptually.



Here's my trigger, it's working in Sandbox 100%. It basically fills in some fields in the resulting opportunity during lead conversion and inserts a partner as well.

trigger ResellerLeadConvert on Lead (after update) {
  // no bulk processing; will only run from the UI
  if ( == 1) {
    if (Trigger.old[0].isConverted == false &&[0].isConverted == true && (Trigger.old[0].LeadSource == 'ADPResellerDeal' || Trigger.old[0].LeadSource == 'ResellerDeal' || Trigger.old[0].LeadSource == 'ADPPartnerReferral')) {
      // if a new opportunity was created
      if ([0].ConvertedOpportunityId != NULL) {
        // update the converted opportunity with some text from the lead
        Opportunity opp = [Select o.Id, o.LeadSource, o.CloseDate, o.ADP_Deal__c, o.NextStep, o.Portal_Status__c from Opportunity o Where o.Id =[0].ConvertedOpportunityId];
        opp.LeadSource = Trigger.old[0].LeadSource;
        opp.ADP_Deal__c = 'No';
        if(Trigger.old[0].LeadSource == 'ADPPartnerReferral' || Trigger.old[0].LeadSource == 'ADPResellerDeal'){
            opp.ADP_Deal__c = 'Yes';

        opp.NextStep = 'Rep to qualify';
        opp.Portal_Status__c = 'This Oppty is a new sale / will create a new portal';
        date fwdCloseDate =;
        opp.CloseDate = fwdCloseDate.addDays(60);
        update opp; 
      // gather Campaign information from lead   
  List<CampaignMember> ResellerMembers = new List<CampaignMember>();
        ResellerMembers = [Select LeadId, z_CoSponsorAccID__c from CampaignMember where LeadId = :Trigger.old[0].Id];
        Map<Id, Id> mapCampaignMember = new Map<Id, Id>();
        for(CampaignMember m : ResellerMembers){
            mapCampaignMember.put(m.LeadId, m.z_CoSponsorAccID__c);
      // if lead has a campaign and campaign is tied to a co-sponosor account, a partner will be created  
    if(mapCampaignMember.get([0].Id)!= NULL){
    Partner newPart = new Partner();
        newPart.AccountToId = mapCampaignMember.get([0].Id);
        newPart.OpportunityId = opp.Id;
        newPart.IsPrimary = true;
        newPart.Role = 'VARS/Reseller';
        if(Trigger.old[0].LeadSource == 'ADPPartnerReferral'){
            newPart.Role = 'Referral Partner - Sourced';
        insert newPart;


Here's my test class. I got as far as creating the elements that the trigger covers (Lead, Campaign, CampaignMember, the Campaign's Account) but i'm unclear as to how to 'test' the lead conversion part.


private class testResellerLeadConvert {
    static testMethod void testConversion() {

        Lead L = new Lead(Company ='ABC Co', Email = '', LastName = 'Freeman', LeadSource = 'ADPPartnerReferral', NumberOfEmployees = 100, Phone = '1234567', 
            Partner_Salesperson_Email_Address__c = '',
            Partner_Salesperson_Contact_Details__c ='x',
            Opportunity_Pain_Compelling_Event__c = 'x',
            Opportunity_Timeline__c = 'x',
            Opportunity_Executive_Sponsor_s__c= 'x',
            IsConverted = TRUE);
        insert L;

        Account ResellerAcc = new Account(Name= 'BlackMesa');
        insert ResellerAcc;
        Campaign C = new Campaign(Name ='BMCampaign', Co_Sponsoring_Account__c = ResellerAcc.Id,
            Campaign_Vendor__c = 'ADP',
            Type = 'Referral Program (Opportunity Leads)',
            Topic__c = 'test topic',
            Campaign_Country__c = 'USA');
        insert C;
        CampaignMember CMember = new CampaignMember(LeadId = L.Id, Campaign = C, CampaignId = C.Id);
        insert CMember;
        Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();
        Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);



Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Saikishore Reddy AengareddySaikishore Reddy Aengareddy

oops.. these two line


LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];


All Answers

Saikishore Reddy AengareddySaikishore Reddy Aengareddy

In your test class you are trying to create a converted lead itself... and then trying to convert a converted lead..


Just remove IsConverted = TRUE and see it it works..


Thanks, Sam


Killed that line, getting this error:


Do i have to define the convertedStatus after i start the test method?



Error MessageSystem.DmlException: ConvertLead failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, convertedStatus is required: []
Stack Trace

Class.testResellerLeadConvert.testConversion: line 38, column 1

Saikishore Reddy AengareddySaikishore Reddy Aengareddy

Add these two lines just below lc.setLeadId


convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];


Saikishore Reddy AengareddySaikishore Reddy Aengareddy

oops.. these two line


LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];


This was selected as the best answer



Awesome, it 'Passed' on the Apex Test Results.


Do i need to write anything after the Test.stopTest(); to check if the resulting account, opportunity are correct?



Saikishore Reddy AengareddySaikishore Reddy Aengareddy

Not required... If you want you can


Nice. Thanks dude.