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how to pass sObject from a list to a map

my acctMap value is an Account sObject.  I am trying to put the sObject from List<Account> aNewList which is the collection from into this acctMap. How can I do this? I tried with the get.sObjectType method but it's not working





public static void updateContactOptOutSettings(List<Account> aNewList, List<Account> aOldList )
for(Integer i = 0; i < aNewList.size(); i++)
Map<Id, Account> acctsMap= new Map<Id, Account>();
if ( (aOldList.get(i).Email_Opt_Out__c != aNewList.get(i).Email_Opt_Out__c || aOldList.get(i).Email_Fax_Out__c != aNewList.get(i).Email_Fax_Out__c ||
aOldList.get(i).Do_Not_Call__c!= aNewList.get(i).Do_Not_Call__c ))

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I was able to make it work using a nested loop.  You can't use use the Id from the sObject to get the value - it has to be the integer to grab the value associated with the index of the list. I was able to make it work doing this below


public static void UpdateContactOptOutSettings(List<Account> aNewList, List<Account> aOldList )
for(Account a: aNewList)
Map<Id, Account> acctsMap= new Map<Id, Account>();
List<Contact> updatedContacts = new List<Contact>();

for(integer i=0; i< aNewList.size(); i++)
if ( (aOldList.get(i).Email_Opt_Out__c != a.Email_Opt_Out__c ||
aOldList.get(i).Fax_Opt_Out__c != a.Fax_Opt_Out__c||
aOldList.get(i).Do_Not_Call__c!= a.Do_Not_Call__c ))
acctsMap.put(a.Id, a);

All Answers


I would pass the trigger.oldmap into the class, and use that...something like this:


updateContactOptOutSettings(, trigger.oldmap)

public static void updateContactOptOutSettings(List<Account> aNewList, Map<Id, Account> aOldListMap) {
for(Account a: {

Map<Id, Account> acctsMap= new Map<Id, Account>();

if ( 
(aOldListMap.get(a.Id).Email_Opt_Out__c != a.Email_Opt_Out__c 
|| aOldListMap.get( != a.Email_Fax_Out__c 
|| aOldListMap.get(a.Id).Do_Not_Call__c!= a.Do_Not_Call__c )
) {



I was able to make it work using a nested loop.  You can't use use the Id from the sObject to get the value - it has to be the integer to grab the value associated with the index of the list. I was able to make it work doing this below


public static void UpdateContactOptOutSettings(List<Account> aNewList, List<Account> aOldList )
for(Account a: aNewList)
Map<Id, Account> acctsMap= new Map<Id, Account>();
List<Contact> updatedContacts = new List<Contact>();

for(integer i=0; i< aNewList.size(); i++)
if ( (aOldList.get(i).Email_Opt_Out__c != a.Email_Opt_Out__c ||
aOldList.get(i).Fax_Opt_Out__c != a.Fax_Opt_Out__c||
aOldList.get(i).Do_Not_Call__c!= a.Do_Not_Call__c ))
acctsMap.put(a.Id, a);

This was selected as the best answer

Just to clarify - you can't refer to a list with integers, but trigger collections come with lists and maps - see here for explanation


So if you pass the map into the class from the trigger as well as the list, you can use the synatx I used which is more reliable...


make sense I'll try using a map-  I agree that it will be more efficient that way. i was confused cuz i was invoking my class and method from the trigger itself so this statement: for(Account a:

caused this error


Loop variable must be of type sObject 


If I pass to my class don't we have to pass into a sObject first? Just want to make sure i understand



BritishBoyinDCBritishBoyinDC and trigger.newmap are two separate collections - one is a list collection of the sObject from the trigger, so you can just loop through that, and the other is a map of Id to Account


so in the example, you could also do this

updateContactOptOutSettings(, trigger.old, trigger.newmap, trigger.oldmap)

public static void updateContactOptOutSettings(List<Account> aNewList, List<Account> oldlist, Map<Id, Account> anewmap, Map<Id, Account> aOldMap) { is a list of accounts, so you can just loop through it:


for (Account a: Trigger.New)


Trigger.oldmap is a map of <Id, Account> from the trigger (there is a newmap one as well) so you access the account in that map for that same Id in using the get syntax