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Help with Test class for Page redirect Apex class

Hi All,


I am new to apex code and have managed. to get an apex class to redirect profiles to two different pages dependent on an if statement. I now need to create a test class. Would anyone be able to help create one?


Here is the code;


public class overrideCon {
   String recordId;
public overrideCon(ApexPages.StandardController 
       controller) {recordId = controller.getId();}

public PageReference redirect() {
  Profile p = [select name from Profile where id = 
  if ('Customer Portal User'.equals( 
      || 'Partner Portal User'.equals( 
      || 'Customer Portal Manager Custom'.equals( 
      //If Portal User show Portal Page
       PageReference customPage =  Page.portalCasePage;
       customPage.getParameters().put('id', recordId);
       return customPage;
      } else {
      //If NOT Portal User show Standard Page
       PageReference customPage2 =  Page.standardCasePage;
       customPage2.getParameters().put('id', recordId);
       return customPage2;




1 Retrive Users from your instance.

2.Then call your methods with in the scope of the System.runas("userid").


That should do it.

for further details follw this link -


