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Related to Map

Hi I want to get the positions based on candidate profile so i prepared an algorith using maps

i have used

Map<String, Map<Integer,Map<String, String>>>

key is like catogery like MBA-Finance, MBA-HR

Integer is Years of Experience

Innermost map is mapping between  Candidate Education qualification and Position functional area.

now my question is if i form a map it will look like below.



Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<String, String>>> qualification = new Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<String, String>>>();
qualification.put('MBA-Finance', new Map<Integer, Map<String, String>>
                              {0=>new Map<String, String>{'MBA - Finance'=>'Finance'},
                               1=>new Map<String, String>{'MBA - Finance'=>'Finance'}});

qualification.put('MBA-HR', new Map<Integer, Map<String, String>>
                              {0=>new Map<String, String>{'MBA - Human Resources'=>'Human Resources'},
                               1=>new Map<String, String>{'MBA - Human Resources'=>'Human Resources'}});


here i'm repeating the inner most map



Is there any efficent way which i can do this???


Here's some code that demonstrates how to create a map of maps:


You should be able to extend that to create a map of map of maps. The general approach is that you have three lists of values, and iterate over these lists to construct your map(s).


Good luck!