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Duplicate IDs in DML list

I have a trigger that updates records in a list.  The list will potentially have duplicates and will cause the DML operation to fail with the “System.ListException: Duplicate id in list” error.  I thought I could solve it by populating a set, then converting the set to a list (see code), but that didn’t work either.


        if (!commitupdates.IsEmpty()){
List<WV_Commitments__c> commitupdatelist = new list<WV_Commitments__c>(); commitupdatelist.addall(commitupdates); update commitupdatelist; }



Is there a reliable way to ensure that no duplicate objects are added to a list or set for a DML operation?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.





I had the same the problem and using a set worked for me. This is my code:

        Set<Factura__c> myset = new Set<Factura__c>();
	List<Factura__c> result = new List<Factura__c>();
	myset.addAll(FactsExito);//deletes duplicates
	result.addAll(myset);//populates new list without duplicates           
        update result;

 Let me know if that worked

Hengky IlawanHengky Ilawan

Hi Todd,


Another way to populate your list is to put them into a map, and then get the list by calling the values() method. That will ensure you won't have a duplicate IDs.




Thanks for the solutions.  I discovered that my problem was that even though the object ID was a duplicate, the actual object was not because it had different data in the fields.


My solution was to track the IDs in a set, and only add the object if I successfully added the ID to the set.  I don’t know if this is the best practice, but it works.


set<id> idstoupdate = new set<id>();
List<WV_Commitments__c> commitupdates = new List<WV_Commitments__c>();


if (idsToUpdate.add(TargetCommitment.ID)) commitupdates.add(TargetCommitment);

 Thanks again for the feedback.

