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Save Error

I have limited apex knowledge and I'm trying to adapt this code to fit my custom objects.  It worked fine until I started plugging in my custom objects.  The original code is-


Here's what I have so far, but I keep getting "Save error: Variable does not exist:"  I tried a couple different things to fix this, but it doesn't seem to work.  Any ideas?


public class TimeOffAccountController {

/* I set the Time Off Account and Time Off Request Objects
here for use through out the code*/
public Time_Off_Account__c TOA { get; private set;}
public time_off_request__c[] requestItems { get; private set; }
private ApexPages.StandardController controller;

// constructor, loads the Time Off Account and
// any Requests associated with it

void requestItems(id id) {
TOA = [SELECT Id, Name, Account_type__c, Account_Balance__c, Accrual_Start__c, Accrued_Hours__c, Adjusted_Hours__c,
       Annual_Accrual_Rate__c, Annual_Maximum__c, Available_Balance__c, Daily_Accrual_Rate__c, Employee__c, First_Date_Current_Year__c,
       Hours_Pending__c, Hours_Used__c, Last_Date_Current_Year__c, Maximum_Deficit__c, Maximum_Hours__c,
       Number_of_Days_YTD__c, Other_Accrual_Start_Date__c, Rollover_Hours__c,
      (SELECT Id, Name, Status__c, Begin_Date__c, End_Date__c, Number_of_Days__c, Pending__c, Pending_Check__c,
      Pending_Text__c, Projected_Eligible_Days__c, Projected_Hours_Accrued__c, Total_Hours__c
      FROM pto_requests__r) FROM time_off_account__c
      where id = :id limit 1];
//Hook requestItems to the query above
 requestItems = TOA.time_off_request__c;

//Define the id
id accountid;

/* A List Method to delete the Requests assigned*/
public list<time_off_request__c> todelete = new list<time_off_request__c>();

public TimeOffAccountController (ApexPages.StandardController c)
/* this will kickoff you main page */
controller = c;
/* to get this current Time Off Account Id*/
accountid = c.getRecord().id;
/*kick off the init() function*/
public TimeOffAccountController () {
accountid =



void init() {
/* load up Requests
basically we defined requestitems up on top, so
when the page loads then requestItems(accountId)
will go through the query and list out the
Requests assoicated with it */

public PageReference save() {
try {
upsert requestItems;
if ( todelete.size() > 0 ) {           
delete todelete;   
catch ( DmlException exc) {
      return null;
return null;

/* your Delete functionality*/
public PageReference del() {

string delname = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('delname');
system.assert( delname != null );
integer gone = -1;
integer i = 0; 

for ( i=0; i< requestItems.size(); i++ ) { 
if (requestItems[i].RequestNumber== delname) { 
gone = i;
if ( gone >= 0) { 
todelete.add(requestItems.remove(gone) ); 
return null;

public PageReference add() {
// insert a new line, after user clicks Add
time_off_request__c tor =  new time_off_request__c(
AccountId =

requestItems.add ( tor );
return null;


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
You don't have a property called acct, so you can't use the id field from that. From a quick glance through your code, I suspect you should be using 'accountId', as this is the id you pull from the standard controller

All Answers

You don't have a property called acct, so you can't use the id field from that. From a quick glance through your code, I suspect you should be using 'accountId', as this is the id you pull from the standard controller
This was selected as the best answer
Well, that solved that particular error. Now I have all sorts of other errors to work out. Sigh.