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Approval Process - Assigning Queue as a approver thru code

Facing a issue with Queue assignment as approver. As we can not dynamically assign queues in Approval Process we are first assigning it to a general user and reassigning it to a queue thru code. But while doing this, only if the current user is with Admin profile it is allowing to assign to a user and then reassign to a queue dynamically. but with restricted profiles(Without Modify All profile Permission) it is not happening. Finer details given below.  


Approval Process is on child object(Approval__c -with Public Read/Write setting) of Opportunity(Master detail relationship )

Using Without Sharing in Controller .


Code Snippet:



 id QueueId;
    QueueId = [Select queueid from QueueSobject q where SobjectType = 'Approval__c' and q.Queue.Name = :queuename Limit 1].queueid;
    ProcessInstanceWorkItem workItemList = [Select p.ProcessInstance.Status, p.ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId,p.ProcessInstanceId,p.OriginalActorId,p.Id,p.ActorId From ProcessInstanceWorkitem p where p.ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId =:app and p.actorid=:DGSystemUserId order by createddate desc limit 1];
    workItemList.ActorId = QueueId;
    update workItemList;



Appreciate your valuable response


Facing the same issue now. does anyone resolve this?

Mark WilliamsonMark Williamson
I'm also facing this issue. Has anyone successfully got around this?
Robert Torres 6Robert Torres 6
What if instead of using a placeholder, you create an approval process based off a field -- say 'submitted for approval'  or something-- on the object. Then on button click, you can update the submitted for approval checkbox to true and use the following code to set the approver to a queue. The approval process should be using the option to allow the user to select the approver manually.  
sObject.is_Submitted__c = true;
update sObject;
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest appreq = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
appreq.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {queueId});
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(appreq);