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Setting child custom objects to inactive

Hi All,


I have made a custom object called RAG_Status__c as a child of the Master object Acctounts, the relationship is called Account__C.


My custom object has the following fields, Active__c (checkbox), Effective_Date__c (formula - Date/Time with created date in as the formula).


I wish to flag only the most recent child of an Account as active and flag all other child objects as inactive. I found a post here that seems to do what I need, but I have not been able to get it to work.


The post is here:


Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? This saves and is active but doesnt amend the records as expected?


My code i have amended is here; 


trigger RAGinactiveActive on RAG_Status__C(after insert, after update) {

    if(!Trigger.isExecuting){ //check that the trigger isnt already executing

Set<Id> emtoupdate = new Set<Id> ();

if (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ) {
for (RAG_Status__C c: Trigger.New) {

if (Trigger.isDelete) {
for (RAG_Status__C c: Trigger.Old) {

List<RAG_Status__C> ctxsToUpdate = new List<RAG_Status__C>{};

boolean firstRecord = true;

for(RAG_Status__C ctx : [Select Id, Active__c, Effective_Date__c from RAG_Status__C where Account__c =: emtoupdate ORDER BY Effective_Date__c DESC])
ctx.Active__c = True;
firstRecord = false;
ctx.Active__c = False;
if(ctxsToUpdate != null && !ctxsToUpdate.IsEmpty())







Hi All,


Anyone got any ideas on this?


Can anyone help on this? I'm still unable to get it working. Would be much appreciated!