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Error during test does not see class variable EmailCounter

Error at run time: Variable does not exist: ProgramFlowExperiment.EmailCounter



Running this example of a test class using a trigger fails when I get to the TestContactOwnerChange class. The EmailCounter variable is not visible and the System.assertEquals does not see the variable EmailCounter created in the ProgramFlowExperiment class. 


public class ProgramFlowExperiment {

public static Integer EmailCounter = 0;

private void SendEmail(){
System.Debug('Queueing the email to send');

private void SendQueuedEmails(){
System.Debug('Sending queued emails');

public void HandleContactUpdateTrigger(List<Contact> newlist, Map<Id, Contact> oldmap){
for(Contact ct: newlist){
if(ct.OwnerId != oldmap.get(ct.Id).OwnerId){


trigger ContactOwnerChangeTrigger on Contact (after update) {
ProgramFlowExpermient pf = new ProgramFlowExperiment();
pf.HandleContactUpdateTrigger(, trigger.oldmap);


private class TestContactOwnerChange {

static testMethod void TestOwnerChange() {
// Create some tests
List<Contact> newcontacts = initTextContacts('c', 5);

user u = initTestUser('myname', 'myname');

//These contacts will be created with the fake user as owner
insert newcontacts;

for(Contact ct: newcontacts){
ct.OwnerID = UserInfo.getUserId();
ct.Email = '';

update newcontacts;


System.AssertEquals(newcontacts.size(), ProgramFlowExperiment.EmailCounter);


public static List<Contact> initTestContacts(String prfix, Integer count){
List<Contact> results = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer x=1; x <count; x++){
results.add(new Contact(LastName = prefix + '_' + string.valueOf(x),
email = prefix + '_' + string.valueOf(x) + '' ));
return results;

public static User initTestUser(String username, String thealias){
User u = new User(Alias = thealias,
Email = username + '',
FirstName = 'Joe', LastName = username,
TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
UserName = username + '',
UserPermissionsMarketingUser=true, LocaleSidKey='en_US',
EmailEncoding='UTF-8', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US');
u.ProfileID = userinfo.getProfileId();
return u;




Hi Mitchellb,


You would need to change the declaration of the variable to define a public getter/setter: Try this and your variable should be visible:

public static Integer EmailCounter {get; set;}

 You an either initialise the valiable in the get initialiser blok or in the constructor. If this helps mark this as a solution and add kudos....

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
This should not happen. Can you please compile all your acllases again?

I made the follow changes based on your suggestion and the exact same error occurred. The variable is not visible when selecting the test class -> -> Run Tests



class ProgramFlowExperiment {

publicstatic Integer EmailCounter {get; set;}

public ProgramFlowExperiment(){

this.EmailCounter = 0;


privatevoid SendEmail(){



'Queueing the email to send');


privatevoid SendQueuedEmails(){


'Sending queued emails');


publicvoid HandleContactUpdateTrigger(List<Contact> newlist, Map<Id, Contact> oldmap){

for(Contact ct: newlist){

if(ct.OwnerId != oldmap.get(ct.Id).OwnerId){








Thank you for your response. I am new to Maybe I am not compiling correctly to give visibility between the ProgramFlowExperiment class, the ContactOwnerChangeTrigger, and the TestContactOwnerChange class. The only step that I take to 'compile' is to right click on the TestContactOwnerChange class -> Run Tests. Am I missing a step?

Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma
I am bit surprised. Your variable was already public and You were using this with class name as it was static, then it was not accessible.
Hi VBS, would you like me to understand this?