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austincaustinc IDE configure user profiles


I'm new to IDE and tried to follow this Tutorial 2 to create Mileage Tracker App. On step 5 to make the default profile (Admin) to see the new application, it called for getting the admin profile XML under "src" folder by simply Refresh from Server. However I cannot get the profile XML to appear.


Please help. Thanks!


I found my answer. I just need to edit the Project properties, click "Add/Remove" button to bring up component windows and selected Admin profile to be included as part of the project.


The contents of your project are controlled by package.xml. One way to adjust package.xml is of course to use the project contents editor through the menu. 


But you can also manually edit package.xml if you can't be bothered to go into project properties. 


I also have several package.xml files stored that pull down certain resources for orgs that I go back to over and over again. This shortens my project setup time as I will create an empty project (thus an empty package.xml) and then copy/paste the contents of one of these into the package.xml of my new project. Then use the "Refresh From Server" option in the context menu of the project and you'll see all of the stuff you need appear in your project. 


You can also use package.xml with workbench to extract files onto machines that do not already have the IDE installed. 


Get to know package.xml and you will become the project master! Documentation for the allowed xml elements is in the Metadata API guide