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humble learnerhumble learner 

Looping through a Map

Hello Everyone,


I am new to salesforce and apex and still trying to learn the trade. I was wondering if someone could have a look and point me towards the right direction on the error I am getting:


I am capturing the Id and fields in a Map from an external webservice in the following format:

list<String> resultlist = new list<string>();
Map<String, list<string>> resultMap = new Map<String, list<String>>{};

resultMap.put(MSId,resultlist);// MSId is the id(key) and mslist are string values


Now I have to compare the Id with salesforce record Id and insert the fields into the record. I have taken following approach which is resulting in an error :

List<Me__c> Ms = [select id, name, quantity__c, amount__c, target__c where name in:resultMap.keyset()];//name is the id in this case
        for(Me__c m: Ms){
            //for(List<String> mapvalues:msmap.values()){ did not work??
            for(String mapvalues:resultMap.keyset()){
                m.amount__c = Double.valueof(resultMap.get(;//error....Initial term of field expression must be a concrete sobject

 Now What am I not doing right here?? Or how can I achieve my goal?


I know there are a lot of Pros here. It's very clear to them...


Thanks everyone.