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Updateing UnitPrice with Discount Field on Opp

Hello - I am trying to update the Unitprice on the opportuntiylineitem when a discount is added/removed on the opportuntiy. I have code here but it is not working. Any help would be greatly appriciated!!!


The Opportuntiy discount field is called "Ad_Agency_Discount__c". 



trigger AgencyDiscount on Opportunity (after update) {

List<Opportunity> discopps=new List<Opportunity>();

for (Opportunity opp :
       Opportunity discOpp=trigger.oldMap.get(;
       if  (opp.Ad_Agency_Discount__c >0.00)

   if (!discopps.isEmpty())

List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = [SELECT ID,UnitPrice ,OpportunityLineItem.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c,Opp_Agency_Discount__c FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId in :discopps];

List<Opportunity> opps=new List<Opportunity>();
for (OpportunityLineItem OLupdisc: olis)

For (integer i = 0; i < OLupdisc.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c; i++){

OpportunityLineItem newUnitPrice = new OpportunityLineItem ();
newUnitPrice.unitprice = OLupdisc.unitprice-(OLupdisc.unitprice *OLupdisc.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);

 update OLupdisc;






Thank you, 





Why is this line here?


For (integer i = 0; i < OLupdisc.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c; i++){


seems like a completely errant for loop


Eric - Im just tryinh to get this project out so i am recycling old code. I did take it out but nothing is happening...


Thanks for the reply.




Hey Niki,


In the last FOR loop ,you have created "newUnitPrice" and then Updating "OLupdisc" 


There is no connection. I think you should update  OLupdisc.




thank you for your reply - i have changed my code a littlebit, i do not get errors but nothing happens?


trigger AgencyDiscount on Opportunity (before update) {
for( Opportunity opp:

List<OpportunityLineItem> lineitem = [ SELECT Id, unitprice, Opp_Agency_Discount__c, OpportunityLineItem.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c, Opportunity.ID, Discount from
OpportunityLineItem where = :opp.Id];

List<OpportunityLineItem> lineitemToUpdate = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();

for(OpportunityLineItem thislineitem: lineitem )
   if( thislineitem.Opp_Agency_Discount__c > 0.00)
       thislineitem.unitprice =   thislineitem.unitprice -(thislineitem.unitprice * thislineitem.Opp_Agency_Discount__c);

   update lineitemToUpdate;




nothing is happening because i think, your query isn't returing anything, in OpportunityLineItem oppurtunityId is the fields API name that you are using in where clause,, make it OpportunityId , Just like I did


And one more thing use debug logs to check you query results, that'll help you alot


List<OpportunityLineItem> lineitem = [ SELECT Id, unitprice, Opp_Agency_Discount__c, OpportunityLineItem.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c, Opportunity.ID, Discount from
OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId = :opp.Id];

I did more research and modified my code to see if this helps and nothig...ugh.  As you can tell im not a developer and dont create APEX very often so i appriciate your help.


trigger AgencyDiscount on Opportunity (after delete, after insert, after undelete, 
after update){

public static void afterUpdateTrigger (List<Opportunity> optys, Map<ID, Opportunity> oldOptys){

Set<ID> optyIDs = new Set<ID>();
 for(Opportunity opty : optys) {
            Opportunity oldOpty = oldOptys.get(opty.Id);
            system.debug('Old Discount: ' + oldOpty.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);
            system.debug('New Discount: ' + opty.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);
            if(opty.HasOpportunityLineItem == true) {
                if(!optyIDs.isEmpty()) {
            List<OpportunityLineItem> lineItems = [SELECT Id, OpportunityId, Agency_Discount_Applied__c,Opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c, unitprice
                                                   FROM OpportunityLineItem 
                                                   WHERE OpportunityId IN :optyIDs];
     List<OpportunityLineItem> linesToUpdate = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
            for(OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems) {
                if(oli.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c >0.00) {
                    oli.unitprice = oli.unitprice-(oli.unitprice* oli.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);
            try {
                if(linesToUpdate.size() > 0) {
                    update linesToUpdate;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                system.debug('Message: ' + e.getMessage() + ' Stack Trace: ' + e.getStackTraceString());





Hey your code everything looks fine,...but i think you should change thins thing in your code


for(OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems) {
                if(oli.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c >0.00) {

//new OpporutunityLineItem
OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
oppLineItem.Id = oli.Id;
//<-----assign all required field of oli to oppLineItem here just like above Id oppLineItem.unitprice = oli.unitprice-(oli.unitprice* oli.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c); linesToUpdate.add(oppLineItem); } }

Thank you. I have changed the code to what you recomended and no errors... but the unitprice still is not ready to pull my hair out :-) 


Hey Nikki. change your events


just paste this code, I have changed the events this time, 


trigger AgencyDiscount on Opportunity (before insert, before update){

public static void afterUpdateTrigger (List<Opportunity> optys, Map<ID, Opportunity> oldOptys){

Set<ID> optyIDs = new Set<ID>();

for(Opportunity opty : optys) {
Opportunity oldOpty = oldOptys.get(opty.Id);
system.debug('Old Discount: ' + oldOpty.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);
system.debug('New Discount: ' + opty.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);

if(opty.HasOpportunityLineItem == true) {
if(!optyIDs.isEmpty()) {
List<OpportunityLineItem> lineItems = [SELECT Id, OpportunityId, Agency_Discount_Applied__c,Opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c, unitprice
FROM OpportunityLineItem
WHERE OpportunityId IN :optyIDs];

List<OpportunityLineItem> linesToUpdate = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();

try {
for(OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems) {
if(oli.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c >0.00) {
oli.unitprice = oli.unitprice-(oli.unitprice* oli.opportunity.Ad_Agency_Discount__c);

} catch (Exception e) {
system.debug('Message: ' + e.getMessage() + ' Stack Trace: ' + e.getStackTraceString());


if it is not yet solved then kindly mail me @