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Test Coverage Help

I wrote the test class  and i am getting 70% code coverage  however my controller class has the wrapper class ,here i was struck. can any one help me to write the testcode for wrapperclass.


Here Is My controller Class


* Custom controller for the managing a list of expenses for an expense sheet
* Manages a list of expense records, holding insert/delete
* information in memory until the user chooses to save the changes.
public with sharing class ExpenseListEditController
// wrapper classes for the contacts being managed
public List<ExpenseKeyWrapper> wrappers {get; set;}

// when a user chooses to add items, the number of
// items to add will be present in this property
public Integer addItemCount {get; set;}

// when a user deletes a record, the record key will
// be present in this property
public Integer keyToDelete {get; set;}

// the unique record key master value
public Integer mainKey {get; set;}

public Expense_Sheet__c expSheet {get; set;}

// string to hold Expense sheet Is
public string idParam;

// the records to delete when the user saves their work
private List<Expense__c> toDelete=new List<Expense__c>();

// constructor
public ExpenseListEditController()

idParam = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('Id');


Private void buildexpensesheet() {
wrappers=new List<ExpenseKeyWrapper>();
expSheet = [Select Name, Employee__c, Month__c, Year__c , total__c FROM Expense_Sheet__c WHERE id =:idParam];
// get the current expenses from the database for the current expense sheets
List<Expense__c> expenses=[select id, Date__c,Receipt_Number__c, Description__c, Type__c, Amount__c, Vat_Code__c, Expense_Sheet__c from Expense__c WHERE Expense_Sheet__c = :idParam LIMIT 1000];
for (Expense__c exps : expenses)
wrappers.add(new ExpenseKeyWrapper(mainKey++, exps));

// add a number of items to the list
public PageReference addItems()
if ( (addItemCount>0) && (addItemCount<10) )
for (Integer idx=0; idx<addItemCount; idx++)
wrappers.add(new ExpenseKeyWrapper(mainKey++, new Expense__c()));

return null;

// remove (delete) an item from the list
public PageReference removeItem()
Integer idx=0;
Boolean found=false;
for (ExpenseKeyWrapper wrap : wrappers)
if (wrap.key==keyToDelete)
if (null!

if (found)

return null;

// save the users work
public PageReference save()
PageReference result=null;
Boolean error=false;
List<Expense__c> toUpsert=new List<Expense__c>();

// make sure that if any data has been entered, the
// last name is present as this is required
for (ExpenseKeyWrapper wrapper : wrappers)
if ( (!String.IsBlank(wrapper.expense.Description__c)) )
if (String.IsBlank(wrapper.expense.Expense_Sheet__c))
if (String.IsBlank(wrapper.expense.Receipt_Number__c))
wrapper.expense.Expense_Sheet__c = idParam;


if (!error)
delete toDelete;
upsert toUpsert;

// return the user to the contacts tab
result=new PageReference('/' + idParam);

return result;

public PageReference updatetotal()

Boolean error=false;
List<Expense__c> toUpsert=new List<Expense__c>();

// make sure that if any data has been entered, the
// last name is present as this is required
for (ExpenseKeyWrapper wrapper : wrappers)
if ( (!String.IsBlank(wrapper.expense.Description__c)) )
if (String.IsBlank(wrapper.expense.Expense_Sheet__c))
wrapper.expense.Expense_Sheet__c = idParam;


if (!error)
delete toDelete;
upsert toUpsert;



return Null;

Test Class for this (Getting 70% code coverage) suggest any one writing test class for wrapper class



@isTest(seeAllData = true)

Public class TestExpenseListEditController{

public Integer idx = 0;
public Integer addItemCount = 10;
public Integer keyToDelete = 21;
public Integer mainKey = 12;
public string idParam = 'First String';
Public boolean found = true;
//Public boolean found = true;
Public PageReference result = null;
Public Boolean error = false;

public static testMethod void TestExpenseListEditController(){

Integer inKey = 52;

SFDC_Employee__c se = new SFDC_Employee__c();
se.Name = 'Indian';
Insert se;

Expense_Sheet__c es = new Expense_Sheet__c();
es.Approved__c = true;
es.Month__c = 'January';
es.Year__c = '2013';
es.Employee__c = se.Id;

Insert es;

Expense_Sheet__c es1 = new Expense_Sheet__c();
es1.Approved__c = true;
es1.Month__c = 'January';
es1.Year__c = '2013';
es1.Employee__c = se.Id;

Insert es1;

Expense_Sheet__c es2 = new Expense_Sheet__c();
es2.Approved__c = true;
es2.Month__c = 'January';
es2.Year__c = '2013';
es2.Employee__c = se.Id;

Insert es2;


Expense__c ep = new Expense__c();
ep.Description__c = 'First test';
ep.Expense_Sheet__c = es.Id;
ep.Receipt_Number__c = '1234567';
ep.Type__c = 'Equipment';
ep.Vat_Code__c = 'First test';

Insert ep;

Expense__c ep1 = new Expense__c();
ep1.Description__c = 'First test';
ep1.Expense_Sheet__c = es.Id;
ep1.Receipt_Number__c = '1234567';
ep1.Type__c = 'Equipment';
ep1.Vat_Code__c = 'First test';

Insert ep1;

Expense__c ep2 = new Expense__c();
ep2.Description__c = 'First test';
ep2.Expense_Sheet__c = es.Id;
ep2.Receipt_Number__c = '1234567';
ep2.Type__c = 'Equipment';
ep2.Vat_Code__c = 'First test';

Insert ep2;

Upsert ep2;
Delete ep2;

ExpenseKeyWrapper eWrapper = new ExpenseKeyWrapper(inKey,ep);

System.assertEquals(inKey, eWrapper.key);
//System.assertEquals(ep1, eWrapper.ep1);

ExpenseListEditController ELEC = new ExpenseListEditController();


