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number of query rows governor limit warning...

Received the following error in an email when I was just playing with some code in the developer console.

Apex governor limit warning email below:


Operation: execute_anonymous_apex.Lead

By user/organization: 005A0000000ZeAg/00DA0000000JRJD

Caused the following Apex resource warnings:

Number of query rows: 35081 out of 50000

(these emails can be disabled from the user detail page for this user)



My code was simply this:


for(Lead[] myleads : [select id, FirstName FROM Lead])



My question:

If I have more than 50K rows in the Lead table, how would one be able to query the records in this table to effectively access all the records?  I don't yet have a use case, but I'd imagine that someone would need to query all records of a table for some process, and how to go about it when the records in the table exceeds that of the governor limit.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

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This was selected as the best answer



Thanks so much!  Simple, Sweet, and Awesome!