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I need to get the row ID when clicking an element in that row :: any help plz..

Hello, i am actually displaying a list of accounts as list using pageblocktable tag.. 
In that when I click the Account Name(which tag is the proper one to make it as a link??,since several tags are available),
the page has to show the hidden(rendered=false to true) outputPanel with the id of the Account(current row) that is clicked and with that account's details..
can any body help me in this issue..

You can send through the apex:param tag as follows.

<apex:param name="id" value="{!}"/>

and you can catch that in your apex code as follows.

ID id=System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');

Even better would be to leverage the assignTo functionality built into VF to automatically have the value pushed into a property on your controller and isolate yourself from query params all together.