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How to Create a Mass Email Using Account Contact Roles in VF Using Professional Edition

I have a requirement to send out an email to a selectable list of Contacts based on a specific contact role  from an opportunity using Professional Edition. The email is a Bid For Service that is sent out from an Opportunity to Contacts on Accounts (with an Account type of "Service Provider") whose roll is "Candidate Bidder."  Not all "Candidate Bidders" will be included, so the list must be selectable.  Using the API and creating a wrapper class makes this easy, but, that is not available.



 I have tried a variety of options: Account Contact Roles are not avail able in a List View; I've created a report that creates the list of records, but don't seem able to access report records in a VF page; Account Contact Roles are not available as a standard List Controller (would have also made this easier).


I created a page using a component that set the filterId to a specific listview and retrieved all the Accounts.  However, I am unsure of how to proceed and get all the correct contacts using the Account contact roles, selecting the contacts, and pass their email address to a VF template.




I would just write a VF page which loads the correct AccountContactRole objects and gives you the ability to select the ones you want (straightforward SOQL query and select box logic); then use the VF email capabilities to send the appropriate email to them. You could make that a separate page, or include it as an inline VF component on your Opportunity page layout.



Jeremy Kraybill

Austin, TX

Unfortunately you can't do SOQL query and select box logic in Professional Edition.  There is no API access.