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Popups in Visualforce


Does anybody have and idea of how to implement Ajax-style popups in Visualforce? Is there a way to avoid javascript?
An example would be a table with multiple columns and rows. Data in column one is a hyperlink that would popup a child window that would have some input fields and buttons on it with some custom logic.

I can't simply hide/show certain area of the page (like in the following example Visualforce Sample - Dynamic Edit Page) because I don't know how many rows are going to be in the table.


You are pretty much stuck w/ JavaScript... that's the J in AJAX, BTW :)

Check out They have some great UI components that work very well in a Visualforce page.
Ok, let me ask it this way - forget about Ajax. Let's say it is a basic popup (child VF page) that has some fields and can pass values to parent VF page.
The reason I am trying to avoid javascript is because I'd like to have all the business logic inside VF controller, and in that way to comply with MVC pattern.

Hello Shamil,
I am stuck with a similar requirement where i need a small pop-up window to open wherein the user can fill in data and the same gets saved at the back end on submit.
Can you please let me know if you got some solution for this?
Many Thanks,

Hi Cool_D, unfortunately I haven't made any progress in this direction.

However, I do think that EXTJS and other similar third party libraries can be used to achieve this functionality.

I will keep researching on this.


Hey, Cool_D


Here is what I found today:



This pop-up demo is GPL which really limits the use in commercial apps. Sure we could re-invent and have our own hacked JS code. But how about an <apex:popupPanel> component from
Thanks a ton shamil. That really helps!!

Well, i was trying to use YUI, but it seems it has limited usage as it is GPL.

But can i use its components for some implmentations??
