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Sortable grid


1. How can i implement a sortable grid in VF page?

   (ie a table with sort buttons in the header)



You will most likely need to add some Javascript to your Visualforce page. You can do this by referencing a stand-alone file using a static resource. Use $Resource.<resource_name> as a merge field, where <resource_name> is the name you specified when you uploaded the resource.



<script type="text/javascript" src="{!URLFOR($Resource.NameOfStaticResource')}"></script>


 or inline Javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
//sortable table javascript logic


Here is one example found by searching on Google :





I forgot to add the standard Salesforce functionality...


<apex:page showHeader="true" tabstyle="Case"> <apex:ListViews type="Case" /> </apex:page>


 Hope this helps !





Great article on sorting, no javascript required.

Message Edited by TehNrd on 02-20-2009 03:54 PM