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how to show the same tabs for detail page?



I have a visualforce page with 2 tabs in it. every tab has a <apex:include>. One of the include page has link which is opening  a new page.

How do i keep my tags intact on this new page which is not a part of my tab panel?


In following example,  on mytab page , when click the invoiceList tab, it opens the page with number of invoices list under the same tab but if i click any of the invoice number it opens without the tabs in the same window.


my requiement is to open the page under the same tab panel in the same window.


Any suggestions are appreciated.

    <!--  Tab panel -->
<apex:tabPanel selectedTab="name2" id="AccountTabPanel" selectedTab="name1"
tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab">
<apex:tab switchType="server" label="{!$Label.home}" name="name1" id="tabOne">
<apex:include pageName="quotelist"/>
<apex:tab switchType="server" label="{!$Label.invoices}" name="name7" id="tab2" >
<apex:include pageName="Invoicelist"/>

<apex:page showHeader="false" cache="false" standardStylesheets="true" extensions="InvoiceExtension" title="{nameLabel}">
<!-- Retreive fields automagically -->
<apex:outputLink value="{!transactionNumber}" >
{!transactionNumber} </apex:outputLink >
 <!-- DeatilPage --><apex:page showHeader="false" cache="false" standardStylesheets="true"
extensions="InvoiceExtension" title="{nameLabel}">

<!-- Retreive fields automagically -->
<apex:outputText value="{!name}" />

<apex:outputText value="{!amt}" />
<apex:outputText value="{!fromDt}" />
<apex:outputText value="{!toDt}" />



