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help with iui stylesheet for iphone

Hello- Has anyone had any luck using the iui css or images for iphone apps?
I have been able to work with the images but the stylesheet comes up with a blank white screen (for both iui.css and iuix.css). Any ideas?
Hello Katrina,

I've had the same problem. I think it is not with the CSS, but with how the iui.js is loading the page. Try adding selected="true" to the first <div> or <ul> that should be displayed. The selected="true" is what the Js uses to determine what the first section to display is.


<div selected="true" title="Main" id="home">
   Whatever you want to display

Also don't forget to turn off the standard stylsheets in the page tag

<apex:page controller="iMainList" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false">

Thanks Matt. 
As you might guess, I am new to both Apex and CSS ...

If I just use regular html I can get the links/buttons to adopt the styles. However, once I have the links as apex code commandLinks that use my custom controller for actions, I can't get the links to adopt the css iui styles. Any ideas? Do you know the names of the iui styles and styleClasses?

For example, this code looks good, except the pages to which they link are dummy and they don't use the controller actions:
<ul id="home" selected="true">
   <li><a href="step1">Search by Location</a></li>
   <li><a href="step2">Search by Name</a></li>

This code doesn't adopt the styles, but uses the controller to navigate through the wizard:
<ul id="home" selected="true">
<apex:commandLink value="search step1" action="{!step1}" style="li" styleClass="a"/>
<apex:commandLink value"search step2" action=
"{!step2}" style="body" styleClass="ul"/>

Any ideas?