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How to display detail text/content in a new tab/window



I would like to display the detailed content in the new tab when user clicks on the title. What is that i have to include in the visualforce code, so that the content just open up in a new tab or window. Currently i have the following code which open the content in the same page / tab.



<apex:actionFunction action="{!loadSimilar}" name="javascriptLoadSimilar" rerender="similarResults" />

<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!hasSimilarCnt}">
Possibly similar Cnt:
<apex:dataList value="{!similarCnt}" var="similarCnt">
									<ideas:detailOutputLink page="{!empPage}" Id="{!}">{!similarCnt.title}</ideas:detailOutputLink>





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Nik,


Try this,


<apex:actionFunction action="{!loadSimilar}" name="javascriptLoadSimilar" rerender="similarResults" />

<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!hasSimilarCnt}">
Possibly similar Cnt:
<apex:dataList value="{!similarCnt}" var="similarCnt">
<ideas:detailOutputLink page="{!empPage}" Id="{!}"> <a href="{!empPage}" target="_blank"> {!similarCnt.title} </a> </ideas:detailOutputLink>



All Answers


In order to display your page in a new window you need to set the target of an anchor tag or in case of Apex in HYPERLINK() function as _BLANK. In your example you are using detailOutputLink which does not take a target attribute so I would suggest why don't you generate an anchor tag as in a visual force page one can even use HTML tags and then set the target attribute as _BLANK.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.


Hi Nik,


Try this,


<apex:actionFunction action="{!loadSimilar}" name="javascriptLoadSimilar" rerender="similarResults" />

<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!hasSimilarCnt}">
Possibly similar Cnt:
<apex:dataList value="{!similarCnt}" var="similarCnt">
<ideas:detailOutputLink page="{!empPage}" Id="{!}"> <a href="{!empPage}" target="_blank"> {!similarCnt.title} </a> </ideas:detailOutputLink>



This was selected as the best answer