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javascript & ajax not working in my vf page



I have simply copy and pasted this ajax code from the tutorial in a vf page yet it does not seem to be working. Help will be appreciated



<apex:page> <script type="text/javascript"> var __sfdcSessionId = '{!GETSESSIONID()}'; </script> <script src="../../soap/ajax/18.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = setupPage; alert("hi"); function log(message) { alert(message); } function setupPage() { //function contains all code to execute after page is rendered var state = { //state that you need when the callback is called output : document.getElementById("output"), startTime : new Date().getTime()}; var callback = { //call layoutResult if the request is successful onSuccess: layoutResults, //call queryFailed if the api request fails onFailure: queryFailed, source: state}; sforce.connection.query( "Select Id, Name, Industry From Account order by Industry", callback); } function queryFailed(error, source) { source.output.innerHTML = "An error has occurred: " + error; } /** * This method will be called when the toolkit receives a successful * response from the server. * @queryResult - result that server returned * @source - state passed into the query method call. */ function layoutResults(queryResult, source) { if (queryResult.size > 0) { var output = ""; The AJAX Toolkit Sample Visualforce Page Using the AJAX Toolkit //get the records array var records = queryResult.getArray('records'); //loop through the records and construct html string for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { var account = records[i]; output += account.Id + " " + account.Name + " [Industry - " + account.Industry + "]<br>"; } //render the generated html string source.output.innerHTML = output; } } </script> <div id="output"> </div> </apex:page>


 I cannot see any output not even that alert("hi") message!!!


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Jon Mountjoy_Jon Mountjoy_

Sure - check out the Workbook -

Look at Tutorial 7


Notice how in the Visualforce it has something like this, which iterates over the results for display:


<apex:dataTable value="{!products}" var="pitem" rowClasses="odd,even">


The {!products} is the key.  This will automatically call a method getProducts() in the controller, which they've got as:



public DisplayMerchandise[] getProducts() { if (products == null) {products = new DisplayMerchandise[]{}; for (Merchandise__c item : [SELECT id, name, description__c, price__c FROM Merchandise__c WHERE Total_Inventory__c > 0]) {products.add(new DisplayMerchandise(item)); } } return products; }


Check out the Visualforce developer guide for even more.  




All Answers


You have an error on line 40 where it says:

 The AJAX Toolkit Sample Visualforce Page Using the AJAX Toolkit

It should be

//The AJAX Toolkit Sample Visualforce Page Using the AJAX Toolkit

I mean you need to comment that line or the script get broken


 If you are using Firefox you can download the firebug plug-in, you can seethe javascript error with it.


I see one issue on your code and is this one (let me know if this solve your issue):

  • Comment this line and then your page should be working now

The AJAX Toolkit Sample Visualforce Page Using the AJAX Toolkit

tnx guys


one more help is appreciable:


How can I call and use Apex variable and SObject variable in AJAX?


As I am trying here to  write



{!View.Ppack__Start_Date__c}==> sObject field or {!StartDate} and {!endDate} as Apex class properties




 It has stop responding like getting no value or on alert shwoing nothing not even other properties in alert which was showing earlier.






can you copy/paste part of the code you add and that's not working for you?

<apex:page standardController="TCI__c" title="View COntroller" extensions="ChannelViewController"> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var __sfdcSessionId = '{!GETSESSIONID()}'; </script> <script src="../../soap/ajax/18.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = setupPage; var Hi="Hi"; var startTime = new Date.getTime(); var output = document.getElementById("output"); function setupPage() { alert(Hi); var endDate = new Date() var startDate = new Date(endDate.getDate()-91); alert(endDate); alert(startDate); alert(__sfdcSessionId); alert({!View.Pack__Start_Date__c}); try { var queryResult = sforce.connection.query("select pack__Date_of_Entry__c,pack__Sales__c,pack__Product__c from pack__TCI__c where pack__Date_of_Entry__c>="+{!startDate}+" AND pack__Date_of_Entry__c <="+{!endDate}+" AND pack__Report_Type__c="+report_type); alert(queryResult); layoutResults(queryResult, output); } catch(error) { alert(error); queryFailed(error, output); } } function queryFailed(error, output) { output.innerHTML = "<font color=red>An error has occurred:</font> <p>" + error; } function layoutResults(queryResult, output) { if (queryResult.size > 0) { var output = ""; var records = queryResult.getArray('records'); for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { var pack= records[i]; output += pack.pack__Date_of_Entry__c+ " " + pack.pack__Sales__c + pack.pack__Product__c + "<BR>"; } output.innerHTML = output } else { output.innerHTML = "No records matched."; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="output"> </div> </body> </html> </apex:page>


two problems here..when I am trying to put the alert for the SObject field the whole code is showing no response  and I am not able to get any value from start date and end Date and also no inner html is also getting set to the div..please see



public class ChannelViewController { public pack__TCI__c channelView = new pack__TCI__c(); public pack__TCI__c getChannelView (){ return this.channelView ; } public void setChannelView (pack__TCI__c channelView ){ this.channelView =channelView ; } public Date startDate =; public Date endDate = startDate.addDays(6); public ChannelViewController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.channelView.pack__Start_Date__c =; }

 so I have given code for both visualforce and apex..please check where to correct



Jon Mountjoy_Jon Mountjoy_

Praz, why you are using the Ajax toolkit to do the query - ie. sforce.connection.query ....


I suggest simply putting the query in your controller.  Much faster. 




I need to get the grid of information or the query result on can I do that...


1>How can I do queries on load in apex class?

2>How to show them in the page on load?


Can you give me some examples...

Jon Mountjoy_Jon Mountjoy_

Sure - check out the Workbook -

Look at Tutorial 7


Notice how in the Visualforce it has something like this, which iterates over the results for display:


<apex:dataTable value="{!products}" var="pitem" rowClasses="odd,even">


The {!products} is the key.  This will automatically call a method getProducts() in the controller, which they've got as:



public DisplayMerchandise[] getProducts() { if (products == null) {products = new DisplayMerchandise[]{}; for (Merchandise__c item : [SELECT id, name, description__c, price__c FROM Merchandise__c WHERE Total_Inventory__c > 0]) {products.add(new DisplayMerchandise(item)); } } return products; }


Check out the Visualforce developer guide for even more.  




This was selected as the best answer

Tnx :)


I have another problem:


I can see the date in text in the following way



Thu Mar 11 00:00:00 GMT 2010

 I want to see it in the following way




How can I format it?


Jon Mountjoy_Jon Mountjoy_

Hi Praz


I'm not sure on that.  I've seen it somewhere on the boards - I'd just do a search.



If you check on Apex Tutorial Basics page under Datetime Methods exists a format function that could help you on that:
format    String dateFormat    String    Returns a Datetime as a string using the supplied Java simple date format and the local time zone of the current user. If the time zone cannot be determined, GMT is used. For example:
datetime myDT =;
String myDate = myDT.format('h:mm a');
Java simple date format:

Let me know if this works for you and that case mark as solved to help pthers to find this solutions.


I am using the following format to display



<apex:dataTable value="{!listing}" var="item" rowClasses="odd,even">
<apex:column headerValue="Start Date" style="width:100px">
<apex:outputText value="{!item.Date_of_Entry__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales" style="width:100px">
<apex:outputText value="{!item.Sales__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity" style="width:100px">
<apex:outputText value="{!item.Opportunity__c}"/>


 and corresponding class is



public Pack__TCI__c[] getListing(){ listing= new Pack__TCI__c[]{}; List<Pack__TCI__c> tcis = [select Pack__Date_of_Entry__c,Pack__Sales__c,Pack__Opportunity__c from Zymepack__TCI__c limit 13]; if(tcis!=NULL){ for(Pack__TCI__c tci:tcis){ listing.add(new Pack__TCI__c(Pack__Date_of_Entry__c = tci.Pack__Date_of_Entry__c, Pack__Sales__c = tci.Pack__Sales__c, Pack__Opportunity__c = tci.Pack__Opportunity__c)); } } return listing; }


 so how can I format the sObject field here?




Lets say you have a var on your controller named actualDate if you want to format it on the vf page

you need to do the next


<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM,dd,yyyy}">
      <apex:param value="{!actualDate}" />

Tnx man :manhappy: