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Compare string with numeric values, java.lang.NumberFormatException error

Hi Folks,  I am stumped and have been looking at this too long.  Any help is very much appreciated.


I would like to compare the numeric portion of a string to the numeric portion of another string in a VF page.  I am able to use the replaceAll method in APEX without an issue, like this...



if(integer.valueOf(Custom_Textfield_A__c.replaceAll('\\D','')) > integer.valueOf(Custom_Textfield_B__c.replaceAll('\\D','')))
	//TODO some field updates here;



I am attempting to compare the same two fields in a VF page to determine whether to highlight a row or not.  This is what I was attempting, but without success...



<apex:repeat rows="5" value="{!getLines}" var="l">
	<div style="{!if(value(l.Custom_Textfield_A__c) > value(l.Custom_Textfield_B__c),'background-color:#F3F781','')};">		<td valign="center" width="220px">
			<apex:outputText value="{!l.Name}" />
		<td valign="center" align="center">
			<apex:outputText value="{0}">
				<apex:param value="{!Left(l.Line_Type__c,1)}" />
		<td class="tdv">
			<apex:outputField value="{!l.Custom_Textfield_A__c}" />



The issue arises in the VF page because I cannot determine how to remove the non-numeric characters from the text field and it fails with a java.lang.NumberFormatException.  I am not able to switch these fields to numeric due to business requirements, so I am hoping there is an equivalent solution in VF to what I was able to do in APEX.






Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I can't think of how you'd do this using formulas.  I'd suggest that you create a class that wraps the custom object and provides additional methods.  That way you can return a list of the wrapper class rather than your custom object, and have a method called something like "getHighlight()" that returns true if textfield A is greater than textfield B.

All Answers


I can't think of how you'd do this using formulas.  I'd suggest that you create a class that wraps the custom object and provides additional methods.  That way you can return a list of the wrapper class rather than your custom object, and have a method called something like "getHighlight()" that returns true if textfield A is greater than textfield B.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for the guidance, Bob.  I fumbled my way through learning how to create a rudimentary wrapper class with some success but it seemed a bit convoluted.  I likely made it way more complex than it needed to be.  Ultimately, I added an attribute to the object that indicated whether the record needed to be highlighted or not.  At this stage I only needed a binary solution for this scenario, so adding the attribute worked for now.


That being said, I am going to use your suggestion and implement a wrapper class because I will eventually need to have more conditional control of the VF display and your advice is the best approach.  Thanks again.

