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Redirect one visual force page directly to another.

I have been attempting to create a VF page that automatically redirects to another page on my sites. I do not want it to display anything simply redirect. I have looked across the all the documentation only to get lost in mountains of information. I figure this is fairly simple, I just can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.



Here is what I have been trying to use.

<apex:page action="{page2}">


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


<apex:page action="{!page2}">


You need to add a ! in front of page2 to make the call work


All Answers



<apex:page action="{!page2}">


You need to add a ! in front of page2 to make the call work


This was selected as the best answer

is it possible to pass a parameter to page2?