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Rerending of fields and Spacing of Section headers - 2 questions in one

First Question : I have a field called Drivers License State that when filled in, should render the other two fields.  The rerendering works fine.  THe issue is the Drivers License State field formatting. Originally, the Drivers License state field was in a PageBlockSectionItem.  However, it won't let me save it as it says it can only have two pieces to it.  So i Put it in a page Block Section.  however, I need the value of the field to display with the an overridden question not the actual field label.  It puts the label twice.  Any help is greatly appreciated. 


                <apex:pageBlockSection >     
                    <apex:outputLabel value="Drivers License State" for="{!contactProxy.Drivers_License_State__c}"/>                                          
                    <apex:inputField value="{!ContactProxy.Drivers_License_State__c}">
                       <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="Comps"
                <apex:actionStatus startText="applying value..." id="preference"/>


Second Question:  I have a field referenced in a section header.  however the question that it is pulling from the controller is a very long question (link application type questions) and I need it to wrap.  how the heck do I get it to wrap. 


<apex:SectionHeader title="{!questionreference.Question__c}"/>




Either use inputText instead of inputField or delete the below line of code


<apex:outputLabel value="Drivers License State" for="{!contactProxy.Drivers_License_State__c}"/> 


Since <apex:inputField> displays the label of field bydefault,you don’t need to define label.


Hope this helps.


For second question use 'subTitle' attribute with empty value.


<apex:SectionHeader title="{!questionreference.Question__c}" subtitle=""/>


