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Command Button does not always call the action associated with it.

Hi All,

From past few weeks we are facing a problem that command button seldom  calls the controller action associated with it.

Most of the time instead of calling the action(post back request) it makes a get request call to the controller(constructor).

This occurs only in IE and is working fine in Chrome browser.

The same scenario also happens sometimes for the commandLinks.





Put system debug in controller and check debug log to see whether :


- any exception is occured.

- action function is called or not


Hope this helps.



Pradeep,Thanks for your suggestion.

However i had already debugged the code before posting my initial message.

As mentioned in my previous message the action does not get called.I cud see this thru the debug logs.

Instead of the action getting called it the constructor of the controller class that is getting called on the button click.



\Simson F.


I'm having the same issue with a CommandLink control. No exceptions, no issues, other than the page pretending that it's loading for the first time. The odd thing is that this code is part of a managed package that works perfectly in about half a dozen of my clients' instances, but this one instance is giving me issues.