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Marcelo AgostinhoMarcelo Agostinho 

Changing API Version to Use one Feature

Hello Developers, how are you doing?


Well, again i'm here to do some questions,


Actually, i'm developing a table on avisualforce page, using Visualforce Tags.


I'm doing it using VF Tags, because i ll need to change the content type to generate a XLS file.


Reading about VF to XLS, i see this to solve my problems, well its work.


But now i need to iterate over an list, and generate a column for each value.


When i tried to use the following code:



<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!valoresClienteMes}" var="omg" title="Teste">

    <apex:column id="teste1" width="100px" value="{!omg.nomeCliente}"/>
    <apex:repeat value="{!omg.valoresMeses}" var="valor">
        <apex:column id="teste2" width="100px" value="{!valor}"/>


 I got this message...


Error: &lt;apex:column&gt; may be child of &lt;apex:repeat&gt; only for the API version 20 or later


What can i do?


Tks for everything again =)



This is actually an error message for a pilot feature called "Dynamic Binding" that will GA in the Sprint '11 release. If you send me your orgid I can enable it for you today.



Marcelo AgostinhoMarcelo Agostinho

Tks Stephan, but sorry about this stupid question? Where can i find my orgid? or what is it?  I'm new with and i'm learning some concepts about it.


Tks for all help!


You can find it in Setup > Administration Setup > Company Profile > Company Information.

Marcelo AgostinhoMarcelo Agostinho

Well i find it... 00DA0000000btjO


Is that the information?

Marcelo AgostinhoMarcelo Agostinho

Stephan! Sorry about the question but, any position about my orgid and dynamic binding?


Sorry for the delayed reply. Note that Dynamic Binding is now GA and available with Spring '11.