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create a select from name of users

Hy everyone,


I need a select html element with the name of users. I find the following code in the devloper's guide:


<apex:selectList value="{!filterId}" size="1">

    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="list"/>

    <apex:selectOptions value="{!listviewoptions}"/>
 <apex:dataList var="a" value="{!accounts}" id="list">



This code looks like this in the page:


But I want to put the user in a select list:


If anyone knows how to do this, please tell me, because I have benn trying to do this for a long time.




You shouldn't need the datalist element. Try this instead:


<apex:selectList value="{!selectedName}" size="1"> <!-- This is just a string that holds the selected value -->

    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="list"/>

    <apex:selectOptions value="{!nameList}"/> <!-- in your controller this must be a List<SelectOption> that contains all the ids & names e.g. List<SelectOption> nameList = new List<SelectOption>{new SelectOption('Wes','00sa0ssdfxdxfd')};-->