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beginner global merge questions

Just starting out in VF, and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I have 2 questions about global merges...


1)  The following code:


<apex:page >
<apex:outputText value="{!$}"> 
    <apex:param value="MyWebSite" /> 


Renders as follows:


<i>MyWebSite</i> is under construction


Why are the <i></i> tags not being processed?


2)  Adding <script></script> tags seems to fix the problem:


<apex:page >

<apex:outputText value="{!$}"> 
    <apex:param value="MyWebSite" /> 


Renders as expected:


MyWebSite is under construction


Why do the script tags fix this?  Is the context changing when they are added?


I'm using the development mode if that matters... 


Part 1 is expected behaviour - the apex:outputtext component escapes HTML in the rendered value unless you set the escape attribute to false, e.g.


<apex:page >
<apex:outputText value="{!$}" escape="false"> 
    <apex:param value="MyWebSite" /> 

 Part 2 is a surprise to me - I wouldn't expect that to have an impact on the rendering of the text - it looks like a bug to me.