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Ahmed AdelAhmed Adel 

Show / hide Fields , Page Blocks in Visual Force Page


Here is the case

I have 2 radio buttons and one outputpanel

I need when I click on the first radio button "Show the outputpanel"

When I click on the second radio button "hide the outputpanel"


I tries to do so but failed , so any one can help me


and Here you are what I have :


<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="testAjax3_ctlr">   
  <apex:form onsubmit="return checkform(this);" id="myForm">
     <apex:actionfunction id="actfunc" name="actfunc" action="{!enableControl}" reRender="Controlled" />
     function func(){ 
      } </script>
     <apex:selectRadio value="{!Application.VRF_Visa_Type__c}" required="true" onclick="func();">
         <apex:selectOptions value="{!VRFVisaType}"></apex:selectOptions>
     <apex:outputpanel id="Controlled" rendered="{!controllingVar}">
       <apex:inputCheckbox id="par" value="{!Application.VRF_Pre_approval_required__c}" />
     <apex:inputText id="fName" required="true" value="{!Application.First_Name__c}" size="18" onblur="this.value=this.value.toUpperCase()" style="color:#666;" onfocus="clearText(this);calendarControl.hide();" />



and for the controller :


public class testAjax3_ctlr {

Public Boolean controllingVar {get; set;}
    Public Health_Card_Renewal_Form__c Application {get; set;}
    Public void enableControl(){ 
    system.debug('ahmed adel inside test method');
      Application.First_Name__c = 'vv';
      controllingVar = false ;
    public List<SelectOption> getVRFVisaType()
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new SelectOption('New Visa', 'New Visa'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('Renewal Visa', 'Renewal Visa'));
        return options;
    public testAjax3_ctlr()
        Application = new Health_Card_Renewal_Form__c();
        system.debug('Test log ahmed2');
        Application.First_Name__c = 'First';
        controllingVar = true;




when I click on the first  radio button it calles the alert("before"); Successfully 

but stoped before calling the actfunc().


Why not just put an id="radioOption" in the radio field


then in the output panel put:


rendered="{!IF(radioOption = 'New Visa',true,false)}"


if you want to hide when new visa is selected swap the true and false.


You can also pass the selected value to a {apex:param value="xxxxxx" assignTo {!controllingVar} and do away with the rest. Problem is I am unsure of how to pass the radio option. I think it could go like:


In your java function put:


var a = document.getElementById('{!$Component.radioOption}').value;


Under the <apex:actionFunction put


<apex:Param name="controllingvar" value=" " assignTo="{!controllingVar}"/>


For the radioOption add id="radioOption"


<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="testAjax3_ctlr">   
  <apex:form onsubmit="return checkform(this);" id="myForm">

     <apex:actionfunction id="actfunc" name="actfunc" action="{!enableControl}" reRender="Controlled" >
<apex:param name="controllingVar" value=" " assignTo="{!controllingVar}"/>

     function func(){ 
  var a = document.getElementById('{!$Component.radioOption}').value;
     <apex:selectRadio id="radioOption" value="{!Application.VRF_Visa_Type__c}" required="true" onclick="func();">
         <apex:selectOptions value="{!VRFVisaType}"></apex:selectOptions>
     <apex:outputpanel id="Controlled" rendered="{!controllingVar}">
       <apex:inputCheckbox id="par" value="{!Application.VRF_Pre_approval_required__c}​" />
     <apex:inputText id="fName" required="true" value="{!Application.First_Name__c}" size="18" onblur="this.value=this.value.toUpperCase()" style="color:#666;" onfocus="clearText(this);calendarControl.hide();" />

 The second way is best practice if it works in passing the correct value of the radioOption.


Can someone else with more expertise please look this over and confirm?