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Scott M - SFDC FanScott M - SFDC Fan 

Is it me, or is VisualForce Pages language locked?

Hi, What I mean is, is there a way to use the SF language system to show like field labels in a VisualForce page? Scott
Ritesh AswaneyRitesh Aswaney


Labels are multi-lingual. You can add several translations for your labels. Believe you need to have the translation workbench enabled for this.

Scott M - SFDC FanScott M - SFDC Fan
Ok, this gets me further. Thanks. But say I need just get the name of a custom field or standard field, then I'd need to make an extra label, just to reference it? What I am trying to do is use a field name, but have a different action related to the link. I'd use "ouputField", but you can't add any other javascript actions to it. Scott
Ritesh AswaneyRitesh Aswaney

I'm afraid, but I think the answer is Yes - Labels for Translation.


The other alternative could be make callouts to a translation service such as google for on-the-fly translation. Think I read about this on a blog post - here's the link