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Condtional Button

Dear Developers,


Is there a way to make a button conditional, that is the button command would be only executable depending on the value of a certain field in the object.


For eg.


If the status in the page is approved , the button would be excutable that would deirect to an email page that is.


Can anyone help me on this?


Regards and thanks in advance

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Problem must be here :



if('{!CustomObject.status}'.toLowerCase() == 'Approved'.toLowerCase())
    window.location.href = '/apex/MaintenanceReserveInvoice?id={!CustomObject.Id}' ;



Conditions must not be matching...So alert will help you to know that code in coming in if condition or not..Also use toLowerCase and match the conditions.



Ankit Arora


All Answers


you can do like this



<apex:commandButton value="Delete"   disabled="{!if((status == 'approved') ,'false','true')}" action="{!DeleteShipDetail}" immediate="true" id="btndel" rerender="ShipmentDetailList" status="deleteStatus"  >



u can disable the button like above or u can hide the button by using the style property...


its not a comman button in VF page, but a custom button on the objects page.


Thanks and regards

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

You can do something like this :


<apex:commandButton value="SendMail" rendered="{!if((status == 'approved') ,true,false)}" action="{!YourEmailRedirectMethod}" >



Ankit Arora


Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Sorry we posted at the same time so was not able to see your latest comment. Now to disable the button : I don't think so we can do this. But somehow possible if you can create a hompagecomponent which will run a script which in end will hide the button.


Or you can write a JS on your custom button on object which will give a error alert if your conditions are not fulfilled.



Ankit Arora


Imran MohammedImran Mohammed

Add if condition in the custom button javascript code.

For ex: 

if('{!CustomObject.status}' == 'Approved')


//add the functionality that should execute if the above condition is true



Let me know if it did not work.


it didnt work


it gives an error " A problem with the Onclick Java Scrpt for this button was encountered Unexpected token }


if('{!CustomObject.status}' == 'Approved')





Thanks anr regards

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Try this :

if('{!CustomObject.status}' == 'Approved')
    window.location.href = '/apex/MaintenanceReserveInvoice?id={!CustomObject.Id}' ;


Ankit Arora




The button is not working, no error messages neither any results!


Thanks and Regards

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Problem must be here :



if('{!CustomObject.status}'.toLowerCase() == 'Approved'.toLowerCase())
    window.location.href = '/apex/MaintenanceReserveInvoice?id={!CustomObject.Id}' ;



Conditions must not be matching...So alert will help you to know that code in coming in if condition or not..Also use toLowerCase and match the conditions.



Ankit Arora


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks alot worked like a charm



