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Simple VF page showing filtered list of Contacts

I am new to development and would like to create a VisualForce page to do the following: 


  • Create a list of Contact 'Names' related to an Account, filtered by a partcular checkbox field in the Contact.


I want to add that page to a Section in the Account Page layout.


Can anyone give me some hints/examples on how i would loop through the related Contacts, apply this filter, and return a list i can display on the VF page.





Hi EMaster,

The functionality you wish to implement using VF page in a section can be impolemented using a repeter to iterate over a collection of contacts.


VF Code:
<apex:page controller="MyController" tabStyle="Contact">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Contacts">
  <apex:dataTable value="{!myContacts}" var="aContact" width="100%">
  <apex:facet name="header"><b>Name</b></apex:facet>
  <apex:commandLink action="{!invokeService}" value="{!}"      rerender="resultPanel">
  <apex:param name="id" value="{!}"/>
  <apex:facet name="header"><b>Account Name</b></apex:facet>
<apex:pageBlock title="Fetched Data">
 <apex:outputPanel id="resultPanel" layout="block"> 
  Result: {!fetchedData}


Controller Code:-

public class MyController {
public List<Contact> getMyContacts() {
  return [SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 10];

 Hope this helps...


Thank you very much Ispita 


I can seem to get it working to produce this (shows all Contacts for all Accounts).......


However, how do i then get it to appear in a Section in the Account Page Layout and only show the Contacts for that specific Account?