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Public "registration" page for people to register

Hello the the glorious community.  

I'm trying to create a PUBLIC (no login required) visualforce form for a person to submit information about themselves, then post the information they provide into a custom object.  So far the great posts on this site have been very helpful for me to get started and I've got a somewhat working model.  But...


I have a few questions:

1 - When I enter data into the form properly and submit, I'm not redirected to - why? and how can I fix it

2 - When I do not enter data into the form properly (e.g. Zip and State are required), nothing seems to happen - any idea what's going on?

3 - If I try to browse to the public website whilst not logged into my SFDC instance, I am unable to submit or fill out any of the form fields - What do I need to change to make this fully public?


Thanks in advance for any help! (PS - I'm a newbie in all visualforce, APEX, and web development!)


I setup a class to control the submit form:


public with sharing class Registration{

    public List<Registration__c> Registration {get; set;}
    public Registration(){
        Registration = new List<Registration__c>();
        Registration.add(new Registration__c());

    public PageReference Submit(){
        insert Registration;
        PageReference home = new PageReference('');
        return home;



Next I build a visualforce page to with input fields to submit information:


<apex:page standardStylesheets="false" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="Registration">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >

<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Submit" action="{!Submit}" rerender="error"/>

<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!Registration}" var="a" id="table">
<table border="1">
<apex:column >

First Name<apex:inputField Label="First Name" value="{!a.First_Name__c}"/>
Last Name<apex:inputField Label="Last Name" value="{!a.Last_Name__c}"/>
Phone Number<apex:inputField Label="Phone Number" value="{!a.Phone_Number__c}"/>
Street Address<apex:inputField Label="Street Address" value="{!a.Street_Address__c}"/>
City<apex:inputField Label="City" value="{!a.City__c}"/>
State<apex:inputField Label="State" required="TRUE" value="{!a.State__c}"/>
Zip<apex:inputField Label="Zip Code" required="TRUE" value="{!a.Zip__c}"/>

