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Convert Case to Account -- Account Name lookup



I'm working on a project to allow conversion of Cases to Accounts, Contacts and Opportunities. From the default Lead Detail page, there's a convert button that opens the Lead Conversion page, which contains a combination drop-down, lookup and view control for Account Name. The Account Name dropdown is a fuzzy match on the Lead Account Name field, then allows either a lookup or a view of the selected Account.


Has anyone tried to replicate this set of controls for other objects? I'd like build the same control for Cases, but not sure where to start. Screenshot of the control in question attached.





Convert Lead


You'd need a Visualforce page, a custom controller... not terribly difficult, if you ask me. I've not personally done it, but it is feasible. Note that there are some limitations, such as an inability to "archive" the case after conversion (such as converted leads).



You can do this through your custom page. You have to design the similar VF page with custom controller.


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