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Navigation With in Same Page



          We have one vfpage with many Fields. I need to show only few fields at a time. we have next button same page. by clicking on that i need Few more Fields.


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

you need to use different pageblocks with rendered attributes for this


Use action funtion on next button to render next set of fields to make a wizard kind of flow

All Answers


You have a couple of choices for this.


(1) Conditionally render parts of the page based on where the user is in the page flow

(2) Use a wizard where the same controller instance is shared across pages


I tend to favour the second option as its easier for those coming afterwards to understand.  You can get more information at:

Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

you need to use different pageblocks with rendered attributes for this


Use action funtion on next button to render next set of fields to make a wizard kind of flow

This was selected as the best answer