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I need to change browser tab name while visualforcepage invoked

Actually if any visualforcepage invoked , the browser name will belike that   "Page editor VisualforcepageName"


But i need to change the browser tab name.

I wrote visualforcepage on Accounts.

I need to put Account name as Browser tab name..


How can i get account name as browser tab name....I tried with many things like using pageheader tag in <apex:page> tag also i used <head> tag.

But i didnt get that name as browser tab name.



Plz can anyone help me.....

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

This sounds like you want the title attribute of the apex:page tag,  something like:


<apex:page title="My VF Page">


However, according to the docs if you are editing the page in developer mode, the title won't be displayed.  Given that your current title has 'Page Editor" at the beginning, it sounds like you are using developer mode.


All Answers


This sounds like you want the title attribute of the apex:page tag,  something like:


<apex:page title="My VF Page">


However, according to the docs if you are editing the page in developer mode, the title won't be displayed.  Given that your current title has 'Page Editor" at the beginning, it sounds like you are using developer mode.


This was selected as the best answer

thanks BOB.....Now its working fine