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Regarding output label


I am using picklist field ,by selecting its values some fields are hidden.The code is working fine.

But the problem is with the design.

The Code is:

Output Label = Incident Type

Object Name=Incident_Record__c

Field Name(picklist)=Incident_Type__c}"



<apex:outputLabel value="Incident Type" for="incident"  />
<apex:actionRegion >
<apex:inputField value="{!Incident_Record__c.Incident_Type__c}" style=""  required="true" id="incident" >
<apex:actionsupport event="onchange" rerender="sec1"/>



The Output  is:



Here there is a huge space between Incident Type and the picklist.How to reduce this space ?


They are technically two separate fields; you need to group them together as one, or even better, just bind the event to the field itself (there's no reason to go about this method you've gone through:


    <apex:inputField value="{!Incident_Record__c.Incident_Type__c}" required="true">
      <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="sec1"/>

The alternative design to this would be use an apex:pageBlockSectionItem.




Thanks for your reply.

If I use code like this,the design is coming perfectly.But error is coming,


code used:







The error coming after selecting the picklist value i.e, "all the mandatory field values must be entered".

How to fix this problem?