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Rerender of page section not working!



I have a picklist that should load some records and do some stuff to a page section futher below then rerender it. I have added a rendered tag to the page section so that only when a specific value is selected it should be visible, but with the rendered tag it is not working at all. Basically nothing happens, the page section never renders into view. If I take out the rendered tag then the page is updated and records loaded correctly. The currLineType is updated correctly and therefore the rendered expression should be true and the page section refreshed.  So something going on with the render tag, please assist!


VF code:


     <apex:column headerValue="Line type">
              <apex:actionRegion id="lnTypeRgn" renderRegionOnly="false">
                  <apex:inputField value="{!SOI.Line_Type__c}" id="fLineType">
                      <apex:actionSupport event="onblur" reRender="detailPanel" action="{!loadSOIDs}" >
                               <apex:param name="currSOIid" value="{!SOI.Id}" assignTo="{!currSOIid}"/>
                               <apex:param name="currSOILT" value="{!SOI.Line_Type__c}" assignTo="{!currLineType}"/>

 <!--This is the part that should be rendered into view when Course is selected in the picklist above-->               
    <apex:outputPanel id="detailPanel" >
          <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!currSOI.Line_Type__c == 'Course'}">
               <apex:pageBlocksection title="Sales Order Item Details"   >

                       ......some VF inputfields.....


Suresh RaghuramSuresh Raghuram

when you render some thing to false you should reRender that to True on some action component or by any event


For example:

<apex: form id="pgbtn1">


<apex:commandButton action="save" reRender="pgbtn1">

<apex:commandButton action="Save As"  rendered="false">


before you click save button save as button will be in a hidden mode.

once after clicking the save button save as will appear.


The above code is jst for understanding.


If this answers your question.Plz mark is as solution. Even if you have doubts feel free to post.