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VF page action parameters issue

Hello ,


I am usinga VF page to override the Edit page of Opportunity but I want to be able to control which users can see it and which are rerouted to the standard edit page. To do this I added an If to the Action parameter of the VF page tag.


So in this example I would reroute spaniard users to the standard Edit page and everyone else to the VF page.


action= "{!if($User.Country <>'Spain', null, URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.Edit,, null, true))}"


BUT I also need to recreate the functionality for the new Opportunity.


I wanted to do the same for the New Opportunity VF page, BUT, I have to call the "goToQuoteOverride" method in the same action tag. So I wrote the following (without succes):

action= "{!if($User.Country <>'Spain', goToQuoteOverride, URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New,, null, true))}"


I also tried to put parenthesis () but also did not work.


action= "{!if($User.Country <>'Spain', goToQuoteOverride(), URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New, null, true))}"


Any idea how to acomplish this???