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How to make an already selected radio option bold on pageload?

The following code makes the label of the radio option bold when it is changed.


<apex:selectRadio value="{!npiData}" id="npiOptions">
<apex:selectOption itemValue="Include" itemLabel="Store NPI Data"/>
<apex:selectOption itemValue="Do Not Include" itemLabel="Do not store NPI data"/>



Jquery code - 

//Highlight of NPI-Option text
j$('[id$=npiOptions] input').change(function(){
j$('[id$=npiOptions] label').removeClass('hilite');


<style> .hilite{ font-weight:bold; } </style>


Now, my requirement is that if I have selected "Store NPI Data", saved it and moved on to other pages. When I come back to this page again, the "Store NPI Data" option is selected and its label should also be highlighted.