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Social Contacts and Chatter details in same Record header

I am trying to update a Visualforce page that we use to override the Contact Detail page to show Chatter data as well as Social Contacts.  Chatter seems to be fairly easy to enable from the apex:detail tag.  Social Contacts seems to only be available via the <social:profileViewer> tag.  When I add this tag, I end up with a second header with the Contact name underneath the original header with the Contact name and Chatter info.


Is there a way to merge this data into a single header like native pages do?



VF snippet:

<apex:page id="MyPage" standardController="contact" name="ContactBusinessUser" extensions="Contact_BusinessUserController" >
<social:profileViewer entityId="{!}"/>

<apex:detail subject="{!$}" relatedList="true" inlineEdit="true" onComplete="EnableDisableButtons()" id="Contact_BusinessUser" showChatter="true"/>



Hi, I am facing the same issue.Did you solve it?