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Trigger help:Question regarding workflow issue on custom object on opportunity object?

I have question about workflow and Trigger.I create a custom object ="Product" on opportunity object .I create three (3) fields on custom object = Product and the filed description is below:
Field # 1:Application Received By(which is lookup(user)field)

Field # 2: Application Received (which is date filed)
Field # 3 : Closing Stage (pick list field; option s are  received, closing)
Field # 4: Closing Stage Owner ((which is text field)

Field # 5: Process (which is date field)

Requirment # 1:

The reuirment is that

 If the “processing” field not Null (date picked by user)



Condition # 1:  “closing stage = closing”


Condition # 2: “closing stage owner = null (blank field)”.

Requirment # 2:

The reuirment is that:
If Application Received By not null (user selects some name of the user in the field)


condition # 1: Application Received = todays date (date when user pick enter this record )

condition # 2 : Closing Stage = recieved

condition # 3 : Closing Stage Owner = Application Received By

Example: If  Application Received By = steve then according to workflow it should update the Application Received =  todays date(10/19/12) ,Closing Stage = recieved and Closing Stage Owner =steve

I create workflow for both of the requirments  and i am able to satisfy the requirment #1 and 2 .  when i select the requirment # 2 first then working fine and if I edit the record and change it to requirment # 1 and this satify the reuirment but the problem is that if I remove the the date from Processing date filed nad levae the field blank then the Closing satge field should chagne from “Closing “to “received” but its not going   . 
I am new to salesforce and I don’t know that how to complete this requirment. Do I have to modify my workflow orcreate new workflow or do something else (trigger).If I have to create trigger then please help me for this because I don’t know that how to create trigger





     In workflow rule 2 Change the Evaluation Criteria to :  created, and every time it’s edited.


If not is not working please let me know


its not working .Actually, i create 2 workflow(one worflow for requirment # 1 and other for requirment #2) and for both,i set the

Evaluation Criteria = Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it’s edited.

I change the both of the workflow Evaluation Criteria = created, and every time it’s edited

still not i am able to get teh desired result.


example # 1:

when prcoess = 10/19/12 then  Closing Stage  = closing and Closing Stage Owner = blank(null). so workflow # 1 working fine here.


example # 2:


when i edit the same  record from example # 1 to see my workflow # 2 working or not and i saw that its working.

when Application Received by = steve then  Application Received = 10/19/12 ,closing Closing Stage  = recieved  and Closing Stage Owner = steve. so workflow # 2 working fine here.


example # 3:


when i edit the  same record  from example # 2 to see my workflow # 1 & 2 working or not and i saw that its working.

when prcoess = 10/20/12 then  Closing Stage  = closing and Closing Stage Owner = blank(null) and no change to

Application Received by = steve then  Application Received = 10/19/12 record. so i working wheni change the record.


example # :4 (here i see problem)


when i edit the  same record  from example # 3 to see my workflow # 1 & 2 working or not and i saw that its working partially .

when prcoess = blank(null) then  desire result ; Closing Stage  = recieved but right now it stay as  Closing Stage  = closing Owner = blank(null) but other fields stay the same which i want for example;Application Received by = steve then  Application Received = 10/19/12 record.

desire resule should be :

prcoess = blank(null)

then set

Closing Stage  = recieved

closing Owner = blank(null)

Application Received by = steve

Application Received = 10/19/12



i hope that will help you to under stand my issue.

please help me
